JAZZDOC Blog - Norman Vickers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Russell Kassoff "Viewpoint" commentary to Pensacola News-Journal

One of the featured headliners in the just-completed Pensacola JazzFest 2010, pianist Russell Kassoff, submitted the following letter to the Pensacola News-Journal, which printed it as a "Viewpoint" on the Editorial page of the May 27th issue. We were so pleased with how the JazzFest went, and to have an artist of Russell Kassoff's stature and reputation make the observations that he did was extremely satisfying to everyone involved in JazzFest!
Following is the text of Russell's letter:

I'd like to thank the wonderful community of Pensacola for coming out to support the annual Pensacola JazzFest, at which I was honored to appear for the third time in the last six years.

Each appearance has been an absolute joy, as I have brought different combinations of groups from the New York area to play for the greatly appreciative folks who attend this festival. They offer the perfect complement to all the magnificent groups that come from many different places, some near and some far, selected by the Jazz Society of Pensacola.

For professional musicians like myself and those who accompany me it is extremely satisfying to feel the support of the local community, and in Pensacola we definitely acknowledge that. Folks in what might be called smaller towns are always more appreciative when the "big city" guys come through, and I must admit it is so special to be received so warmly and with such magnificent hospitality. It makes the experience memorable and just plain great! The community should know that it is ever increasingly important to continue to support Jazzfest, and all the arts especially, in these difficult economic times.

On behalf of all of the New York musicians, I'd like to personally thank the good folks who share responsibilities for the festival — including Jazz Society of Pensacola board President Roger Villines, JSOP Administrator Kathy Lyon, Pensacola JazzFest Music Director Crystal Joy Albert and JSOP Ambassador Dr. Norman Vickers, as well as all the folks who tirelessly volunteer to make the glorious weekend happen.

The community should be very proud, and we are all very grateful for the reception and the opportunity to perform for you. I know that this festival has been going on for 27 years. I hope that you continue to support it by keeping the community in the loop of all things involving the Jazz Society.

What is clearly different about Pensacola is that the local community supports this, as opposed to trying to bring these types of festivals into towns that do not — which is much more difficult if not impossible when support is not gathered.

Everyone in town should always know the festival is free, beautiful and extremely spacious and comfortable. Keep up the wonderful work! I look forward to returning one day soon.
(PNJ note at the end of the letter) Russ Kassoff is a jazz pianist, conductor, composer, orchestrator and arranger. He is a resident of New York City.


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